Wednesday 5 November 2008

It's not really 'Gay'!

Situation 1:
I was watching Fashion the other day in a movie theatre. There was a scene when Sameer Soni who played a gay fashion designer professes to this young model played by Mughdha Godse that how it was so difficult for a gay man in India to come out with his relationship and how the society would never accept it and how does he would have to leave incognito about his sexual orientation for the rest of his life. Would you like to know what happened in the hall when this scene was getting played? The whole theatre was rolling with laughter.
Situation 2:
The first Afro-American president of the world's oldest democracy in his first speech as the next president of his country talks about how he is a president of the gay and straight people of his country and how he has got his mandate as the gay and straight stood together imparting the essence of 'Unitedness'.
I know the two situations would not sink in properly with many of you all. But lets be pragmatic here. Do you think Manmohan Singh or in that case 'young blood' Rahul Gandhi would dare give such a media byte? The answer is no and we really cannot blame the politicians for this. When majority of our population still think that individuals of same gender professing their love to each other is a target of perverse sexual innuendoes, i should not have been surprised when the movie hall was soaring with laughter. The problem lies with the so called moral authorities of our country like the Sangh Parivar, Bajrang Dal who would go to any limits to stop this 'culture of perversity' on our land from burning down a theatre running a film about lesbian lovers to vehemently opposing the nullification of Article 377. Indian people, i believe, can be extremely accomodative and benevolent if not influenced otherwise. So may ask what does not alter their largly homophobic mentality? The answers to that questions are many and i will venture to elaborate on a few. The Indians are basically people by the family and of the family. So they feel that the basic constitution of this family structure with a father, a mother and a child is threatened with the mass level acceptance of homosexuality. Moreover, for all we may try to project ourselves as women emancipators, we at the heart of it are a ruthlessly patriarchal society, so the thought of two women efficiently forming a family (which is the only area where Indian women need Indian men today) and asking the men to **** off, does not go down well with many of us. On top of that the thought of two men living together as a happy family leaves them without a woman to trample over. There is also the nature card that many tend to play. How same sex love is against 'nature'? What is wonder is the people who drop these statements conveniently imbibe all sorts of wonderfully illegal traits into their 'nature' and reduce their country into a big cess pit as they have today! The biggest example being the Kandhamal massacare, cash for M.P exchange and so on and so forth. The last but the most interesting point is the 'morality' factor. People in our country consider it amazingly moral to kill female foetuses and infants but crib when it comes to the acceptance of same sex love. But instead of further introspection into our societal prejudice we should ponder upon how do we achieve the unity of our masses regardless of their sexual orientation as talked about by Obama. The first step towards such a task would be by the revocation of Article 377 which bans any sexual act which is not carnal and thereby makes homosexuality illegal in India (though i think it should also concern straight people as the archaic victorian clause also lays an embargo on certain acts committed with the buccal cavity and private parts). The government's argument in uphelding this embargo is that the revocation of the article would imputinise paedophiles. Paedophilia is a grave and obnoxious crime which should be dealt with the strictest laws and regulations to prevent anything like Nithari and the way it can be achieved is my introducing a new law right after the revocation of Article 377 that would deal with paedophiles with the harshest of sentences. The next step would be by facilitating more dialogue between the 'straight' and the 'bent' groups through social awareness campaigns and an effective tool in this regard would be the AIDS campaign which is creating havoc in both the communities in India presently and lastly individual effort which is most important. We should try and understand how would it feel if we were to live from tomorrow in the denial of love for our girlfriends would we feel nice the answer is a resounding No. Such a situation would suffocate the expression of our personalities. So can we hope for a day when our elected Prime Minister would thank the straight and the gay people for giving him or her mandate for the highest post in our country in his or her first primeministerial speech? Yes but can we see it in our lifetime. I am sceptical.


Dhrubo said...

Why should the P.M. thank straight and gay people for their votes?

TheSecretDiary said...

I am asking the PM to do iton some level as a mark of proving himself tolerant of alternate sexualities.As when a PM takes the People's mandate,he takes it for all people across his nation,he protect and serve all minorities.And Homosexulaity is at least perceived or pretended to be a sexual minority in our country.