Thursday 27 November 2008

Enough Is Enough

I am totally disgusted with how everytime after a terror strike on our soil our redundant home minister Mr.Shivraj Patil gives a speech written by his secretary and then goes to bed and wakes up when the next terror strike occurs. He is a useless man and once the hostages have been freed from the Taj and Oberoi hotels and the terrorists nabbed or eliminated he should resign if he has an iota of shame in him or we should impeach him by a countrywide referdum. In 5 years of UPA rule we have had so many terror attacks across our country, i have lost their count. Still the government hasn't learned, do they need another Prime Minister to be killed, to wake up and smell the coffee. This government's initiative in handling terror is repugnant. The Prime Minister has been talking about formulating a federal terror tracking institution since the 2006 Mumbai Train Blasts, I don't know when he will actually formulate such a body, probably when there is an atom bomb dropped on the Indian Parliament. I don't know why we pay millions and millions of money as tax to the government, when it can't do the basic service of protecting for which they are supposedly taking our money. Has the National Security Advisor sleeping all along. I'm sure evn in Lebanon, they have intelligence services who are atleast aware of the suspicious elements moving through their country. And in our country for all the democarcy and the next super-power chest-beating, one fine day 20 terrorist land on the Mumbai dock from an inflatable boat and cause this mayhem. What are Raw and the auxilliary intelligence services for i just don't get it. Slight vigilance on the government's part could have averted this disaster, if they were surveilling our country properly. How can the governemnt not have ships patrolling our borders on the sea. I shirk in ignominy when these people talk about the spirit of Mumbai and politicians coming together after this, making it look like 9/11, when all the US politicians across all parties came together to fighting terror. Why do these people take the resilience of Mumbai for granted? And the spirit could be everything we might call it who have not suffered losses but what about those who have lost near and dear ones. And if BJP and Congress are sticking together to fight tjis crisis out, oh they are not doing us a favour they ought to do so for a longtime. People who we owe everything for our security are the Army, navy, commandoes, NSGs, Cops like Hemant Karkare who have laid down their lives or are risking their lives for our sake. This shows that our country doesnt not lack people to execute properly etched out security measures and policies but it lacks policy makers. Mrs.Gandhi spoke about country's reputation being tarnished beacuse of these attacks, i say country's prestige can go to hell, what about the innocent people who have been killed, held hostages and brave cops and commandoes who have laid their lives down. We have had it. I have had it. Though i had somehow made my mind to vote for UPA in the next general elections on the basis of the developmenal policies formulated by the govrenment and its secural character as compared to the BJP. But I am seriously considering to go against it. What will I do with this sham development, if I don't live to enjoy that. I think if the UPA government doesnt formulate a proper federal institution handling terror in the last few months of its tenure and if there is any terror strike in the meanwhile, I AM NOT VOTING FOR UPA, after that. And i think we all should do it and whichever lesser evil we vote to power, if they keep on being slack and careless with or security we would vote them out of power. And once UPA is voted out, i am sure the other parties would have to shut up and listen to our message, that they should stop playing around with our security and our lives and get to some serious action.


rusted rick said...

"A word on coastal and maritime security. Our coastal areas are coming under increased threat from terrorist groups, which have decided to use the sea route to infiltrate into India. They also plan to induct arms and ammunition through the sea routes."- this is what Shivraj patil had said two years back in November 2006.
i wonder what exactly he did in these two years to stop this from happening, guess he just didn't manage to find enough time from changing his suits to attend matters like this.

TheSecretDiary said...

He is the most redundant man on earth. But lets extend this from a personal attack to an attack on the whole government which has been so successful in architecting this mammoth security failure...